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Increasing the accuracy of calculated indicators of operational reliability of industrial electric motors
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Department of Electromechanics and Rolling Stock, Railways of Kyiv Institute of Railway Transport of State, University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Ukraine
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Olsztyn, Poland, Poland
Department of Ship Power Units, Auxiliary Mechanisms of Ships and their Operation, Kyiv Institute of Water Transport, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Ukraine
Department of Electrical Equipment and Automation of Water Transport, Kyiv Institute of Water Transport, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Ukraine
Danube Institute of Water Transport, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Ukraine
Submission date: 2025-01-23
Final revision date: 2025-02-16
Acceptance date: 2025-03-16
Online publication date: 2025-03-17
Publication date: 2025-03-17
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Oleg Gubarevych   

Department of Electromechanics and Rolling Stock, Railways of Kyiv Institute of Railway Transport of State, University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kyrylivska str., 9, 04071, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Analysis of types and causes of failures of the main types of electrical machines.
  • Taking into account the hazard rate when assessing the reliability of electrical machines.
  • Equivalent hazard rate for real operating conditions of electrical machines.
  • Using hazard rate when planning maintenance schedules for electrical machines.
To ensure reliable operation of electric motors and their efficient use during operation, data from modern modeling tools and calculated reliability indicators. The obtained modeling and calculation results are necessary to adjust the existing or create a new strategy for technical system equipment maintenance. The paper offers practical recommendations for increasing the accuracy of reliability indicators by taking into account real operating conditions when calculating the hazard rate of an electric motor during its normal operation. For this purpose, when calculating the hazard rate of an electric motor, λeq is used, where individual coefficients take into account the influence of possible external and operational factors and modes during the operation period. Clarified data on the hazard rate values allow us to obtain values of a number of reliability indicators close to the actual ones, and to plan rational terms for performing maintenance of an electric motor or its individual elements. This is important to ensure reliable operation of equipment using electrical machines.
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