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Information for Authors

1. Articles submitted to the quarterly are accepted in English, only in Microsoft Word document format. We do not accept PDF files. We do not require any special text formatting, (Authors will be asked to prepare a file after accepting the article for publication), but it should contain the following elements:
  • Title of the article.
  • Highlights - three to five bullet points, each not exceeding 90 characters (including spaces).
  • Abstract max. 1100 characters (including spaces).
  • Key words (up to 6).
  • Main text consisting of introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions.
  • References - with DOI (Vancouver style).
2. We accept documents only through the submission system (submission). We do not accept submissions by e-mail.
3. At the editorial level, the compliance of the article with the aim and scope of the Quarterly and the quality of its preparation is verified. Up to date of the presented studies and their justification in relation to the current state of knowledge is evaluated. It is checked whether new or original research results or research methods have been presented, which are of significant importance to the development of knowledge, innovativeness, etc. Particular attention is also paid to the number of self-citations of the author/co-authors. Self-citations should not exceed 3-4 items and should not exceed 5% of all items in the bibliography. In selected cases, the article is sent for adjustment. The correction time should not exceed 2 weeks, after which the article is withdrawn from the evaluation process.
4. Articles containing only original research results that have been empirically verified are accepted (aim and scope). It is recommended that the length of the text does not exceed 40,000 typographic characters (including spaces).
5. Each submission may be rejected without review if it is outside the scope of the journal, is obviously of insufficient quality, or is missing important sections. This ends the assessment procedure. Re-submission of a rejected manuscript is not possible.
6. After the initial evaluation, the article is sent for anti-plagiarism examination. A result above 20% (5% for a single source) disqualifies publications from further processing. The results of the anti-plagiarism test are not made available to the Authors.
7. An article accepted for further processing is sent for review. The journal operates a double-blind peer review system. After receiving the opinions of external reviewers, a decision on publication is made (details).
8. The final version of the article is subject to a language check. If proofreading is necessary beyond the Editorial Office's capabilities, the Authors will be asked to correct it and send a certificate confirming the translation from a professional company. The editors can provide support in the field of translation.
9. The finished text is posted on the journal's website in ahead of print mode (online first).
10. Due to the large number of submissions and limited publication possibilities, we try to maintain a one-year grace period, which allows more Authors to be published.
11. Copyright. All accepted articles are published Open Access under the Creative Commons Licence: CC-BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Authors retain copyright in their articles, but grant Polish Maintenance Society as the Publisher of the Quarterly the right of the first publication.
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