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Adaptive reliability structures of heat exchange surface in turbine condenser
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Faculty of Marine Engineering Gdynia Maritime University ul. Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
Publication date: 2018-03-31
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 2018;20(1):153-159
In this paper adaptive reliability structures of heat exchange surface in turbine condenser was proved from the angle of effective heat exchange in variable conditions of its exploitation. Then, determinant factors for design and exploitation in assessment of reliability of pipe subsystem in turbine condenser were suggested. The influence of change of scheme of the pipes, constituting the surface of heat exchange, which stems from the matter of regulating the surface in an attempt to both condense the given amount of steam and maintain the given pressure in the condenser in variable conditions of its exploitation on the reliability of the pipe subsystem was determined. The surface of heat exchange is regulated by enabling and disabling the flow of cooling water through given amount of pipes, in a given way, that is by enabling or disabling possible combination of given pipes in given exploitation conditions. An algorithm to assess the reliability of the pipe subsystem in the condenser in given exploitation conditions, means of regulating the surface and up-to-date technical condition was put forward. The reliability of pipe subsystem has a significant influence either on reliability of the condenser while exploited or in the further course, indirectly on sustaining the requested reliability in the power system therein. Effective operation of the condenser in technical power system is performed by sustaining the given pressure of steam condensation, which is vital in maintaining the required energy efficiency of technical power system in variable exploitation conditions. The exemplification of the aspects put forward in the paper pertains to steam turbine condensers
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Computer simulation of the reliability of the heat exchange surface of the steam turbine condenser
Krzysztof Łukaszewski
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability
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