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The assessment of acoustic effects of exploited road vehicles with the use of subjective features of sound
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Faculty Organisation and Management Silesian University of Technology Roosevelta str. 26, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland
Publication date: 2019-09-30
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 2019;21(3):522-529
The article proposed an original way to assess the acoustic effects of road vehicles in the environment, with the use of selected methods of sound modeling and simulation. The taken solution presents a way of estimating the acoustic emission to the environment, from the exploited road vehicles, using subjective sound features. In ongoing studies, it is assumed to analyze and evaluate the sound features in the following order: source - propagation way - receiver. The distribution of these features in the time and frequency domains depends on generation, propagation and immission of acoustic energy, by the partial sources of the vehicle. The obtained information in the form of an acoustic signal can be represented by physical and subjective features of the sound. The undertaken research include the use of subjective features of sound in the assessment of acoustic effects of road vehicles exploited in the environment. The developed method was verified using modeling and simulation methods based on recorded acoustic signals in an urbanized environment.
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