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of mel-cepstral coefficients of the examined signal and its classification, due to the impact of noise. It was presented verification
of the method on the example of studies on the impact of road noise sources.
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Internal combustion engine diagnostics using statistically processed Wiebe function Jan Famfulik, Michal Richtar, Jakub Smiraus, Petra Muckova, Branislav Sarkan, Pavel Dresler Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability
Innovative application of quality methods in the homogeneity assessment of the F-16 aircraft group in terms of generated noise Agnieszka Misztal, Grzegorz Szymanski, Wojciech Misztal, Pawel Komorski Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability
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