Since the implementation of modern approaches in operation maintenance, drivers are expected to be integrated into the entire
system of maintenance in order to take over the professional competencies of maintenance workers. For this purpose, an international study was conducted on a sample of 249 truck drivers, with the aim to determine how maintenance in transport companies
affects the role of heavy truck drivers in fleet maintenance. Based on the developed SEM model, it was determined that building
an efficient maintenance infrastructure in transport companies enables the active participation of truck drivers in the company’s
maintenance system. Drivers are capable of repairing minor failures, but only if they are proactive, which will affect their preventive behaviour. This can greatly benefit transport companies, as the results show that the vehicles are utilised more efficiently and
in a better technical condition. The results therefore represent an important guideline for improving maintenance in transport
companies, developing new competencies of truck drivers and upgrading existing knowledge in the development of modern operation maintenance.
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The assessment of the truck operation efficiency in safety engineering aspect Sławomir Augustyn, Igor Vušanović, Paulina Owczarek, Małgorzata Oziębło, J. Musiał, Ł. Muślewski, T. Kałaczyński MATEC Web of Conferences
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