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Method of analysis of productivity with an innovative model of the working capability of the object in the body ( C ) for the new resource allocation on inherent and non-inherent
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Mechatronics and Aviation Faculty Jaroslaw Dabrowski Military University of Technology ul. Gen. Witolda Urbanowicza 2, 00-908 Warszawa 46, Poland
Publication date: 2018-12-31
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 2018;20(4):671-681
The aim of the article is to develop new methods of analysis, estimation and optimal selection of quantitative resources (inherent and non-inherent) in the planning of the product effect for specific environmental conditions. The required iterative approach in the construction of the mathematical model and analysis of its possible practical applications and search for how to figure those opportunities. As the testing method has been applied method intuitive, allowing you to use the experience of expert analysis from ongoing opportunities to make full use of the sustainability properties and customize to their processes. The results were presented in the form of mathematical models in the collection of complex numbers and graphically on the plane of complex numbers. Method to estimate changes inherent and non-inherent resources objects (machines, systems, organizations) on their productivity (Po). The method uses the original, innovative, model potential workspace object (PrO) in the form of a complex binding numerically inherent (Zi O) and non-inherent (ZniO) resources objects. Evaluation of value Po it was proposed with the PrO. The values of the Zi O and ZniO was adopted as two independent resources constituting the whole of resources in the required in the production (or in the service). Method evaluation Po illustrates for the resources object described model Ro =│PrO = f (ZpO, ZoO)│, where Zi O is a work resource (ZpO), ZniO is extracted from the operation of the resource service (ZoO), and the generating capacity of the object Po is described using a pointer named R object (Ro). Illustrated in the complex plane analysis results and the results obtained from the calculation PrO and Ro, for contract values of the ZpO and ZoO, indicate the application capabilities developed method. Method allows a very clear description of the productivity changes objects (or processes, or production organization), in the context of the selection of manufacturing resource structure, through the separation of the factors causing these changes. Method can be adapted for optimal production costs (or services) through design changes object and/or design changes of the process exploitation. Developed the method brings new opportunities for theoretical and application in relation technical and economic sciences.
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