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Evaluation of the influence of friction in a multi-leaf spring on the working conditions of a truck driver
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Military University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ul. Gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
Publication date: 2021-09-30
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 2021;23(3):422-429
  • Suspension with a 3D model of spring, leaf interaction mechanism and variable friction forces.
  • Evaluation of vibroisolation and energy dissipation in suspension models under changing driving conditions.
  • Estimation of the level of nuisance and limitation of the permissible working time of the driver.
  • The results can be applied to the diagnosis, design and testing of vehicle structures.
This article presents a simulation study of the suspension system in a vehicle that weighs approximately 12 tons (class N2). The authors have tested the influence of experimentally determined values of friction coefficients on the energy dissipated in the multi-leaf spring. The study was carried out using finite element analysis with LS-DYNA software. A nonlinear vibration model of the complete spring was developed, including the variable friction forces between the leafs. The model takes into account the sprung and unsprung mass of the chassis. Numerical tests were carried out using three different coefficients of friction (determined experimentally) for a selected speed of the car. Random realizations of the road micro-profile (type A, B, C) recommended by ISO 8608 were used. The results of the tests were presented in the form of acceleration curves in the vertical direction, comparative plots of daily vibration exposure A(8) and vibration transmission coefficient (T), and the distributions of RMS acceleration in frequency of one-third octave bands. This data was used to assess the quality of the vibration isolation system between the front suspension of the vehicle and the driver’s seat.
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