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Evaluation of readiness of the technical system using the semi-Markov model with selected sojourn time distributions
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Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Military University of Technology, Poland
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Submission date: 2024-06-01
Final revision date: 2024-06-27
Acceptance date: 2024-07-24
Online publication date: 2024-07-31
Publication date: 2024-07-31
Corresponding author
Edward Kozłowski   

Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 2024;26(4):191545
  • A method for detailed analysis of the exploitation process using Markov process theory has been presented.
  • Identification of the sojourn time distribution using selected random variable distributions has been made.
  • The proposed approach allows an assessment of the probability of occurrence of the individual states and its duration.
  • The model that provides significant support for forest management processes has been made.
Mechanization of forestry work is crucial in forest management, and the specific nature of the tasks performed requires reliable machines with a high level of technical readiness. Therefore, models describing the exploitation process of multi-operational machines used to obtain wood raw materials, and especially assessing the level of their technical readiness, are extremely important. For multi-tasking objects performing random activities in given time intervals, calculating readiness measures is a complex issue. Forecasting subsequent operational states and their durations allows to predict the behavior of technical objects and schedule work. In addition to identifying the sequence of states, it is also important to identify the sojourn time in these states. This article presents a method for identifying the semi-Markov process and then assessing the technical readiness of a Harvester machine. This allowed for conclusions regarding the timely completion of assigned tasks, and also made it possible to adjust the activities carried out to the requirements of forest management.
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