This paper deals with modeling and analysis of complex mechanical systems that deteriorate
with age. As systems age, the questions on their availability and reliability start to surface.
The system is believed to suffer from internal stochastic degradation mechanism that is
described as a gradual and continuous process of performance deterioration. Therefore, it
becomes difficult for maintenance engineer to model such system. Semi-Markov approach is
proposed to analyze the degradation of complex mechanical systems. It involves constructing states corresponding to the system functionality status and constructing kernel matrix
between the states. The construction of the transition matrix takes the failure rate and repair
rate into account. Once the steady-state probability of the embedded Markov chain is computed, one can compute the steady-state solution and finally, the system availability. System
models based on perfect repair without opportunistic and with opportunistic maintenance
have been developed and the benefits of opportunistic maintenance are quantified in terms
of increased system availability. The proposed methodology is demonstrated for a two-stage
reciprocating air compressor with intercooler in between, system in series configuration.
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