There is a number of ports where approach or inside navigation channels are located close to the quay walls. In difficult hydrometeorological conditions appropriate speed of ship is needed to keep proper ship’s steering while passing through channel. The
ships that pass near the quay walls with high speed create high interaction forces on moored ships and negatively interact on their
mooring equipment and quay walls. Ports should ensure relevant maintenance and reliability of quay walls and ships’ mooring
equipment. That is why investigation of the ships interaction forces during ship passing near the ships moored to quay walls is
very important to find limitations of the passing ship speed depending on passing ship’s parameters, distances and environmental
conditions to provide reliable maintenance of navigation channel. In the article the conditions of dynamic forces caused by passing ships are investigated, including possible external forces influencing on moored ships, mooring equipment and quay walls.
The methodology to assess the forces exerted on ship moored to quay wall by ship passing close to them is created. On the basis of
the case study analysis results, the recommendations for the limitations to ships passing near the ships moored to quay walls were
proposed that will allow providing relevant maintenance and reliability of navigation channel and its infrastructure.
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