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Modeling of emergency condenser system response to loss of coolant accident in a BWR III+ generation
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Institute of Heat Engineering, The Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Warsaw University of Technology ul. Nowowiejska 21/25, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
Thermal Hydraulics and Components Testing, Framatome GmbH Paul-Gossen-Straße 100, 91052 Erlangen, Germany
Publication date: 2019-09-30
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 2019;21(3):468-475
Emergency Condenser (EC) is a heat exchanger composed of a large number of slightly inclined U-tubes arranged horizontally. The inlet header of the condenser is connected with the top part of the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV), which is occupied by steam during critical operation. The lower header in turn is linked with the RPV below the liquid water level during normal operation of the reactor. The tube bundle is filled with cold water and it is located in a vessel filled with water of the same temperature. Thus, the EC and RPV form together a system of communicating vessels. In case of an emergency and a decrease of the water level in the RPV, the water flows gravitationally from U-tubes to the RPV. At the same time the steam from the RPV enters to the EC and condenses due to its contact with cold walls of the EC. The condensate flows then back to the RPV due to the tubes inclination. Hence, the system removes heat from the RPV and serves as a high- and low-pressure injection system at the same time. In this paper a model of the EC system is presented. The model was developed with Modelica modeling language and OpenModelica environment which had not been used in this scope before. The model was verified against experimental data obtained during tests performed at INKA (Integral Test Facility Karlstein) ̶ a test facility dedicated for investigation of the passive safety systems performance of KERENA ̶ generation III+ BWR developed by Framatome.
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Experimental investigation of LWR passive safety systems performance at the INKA test facility
Rafał Bryk, Thomas Mull, Holger Schmidt, R. Laskowski, A. Smyk, S. Bielecki, Ł. Szabłowski
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