The objective of this study was to determine changes in fuel delivery rate by common rail
system injectors during their simulated operation on a test stand. Four Bosch injectors used,
among others, in Fiat 1.3 Multijet engines were tested. The injectors were operated on a
test rig at room temperature for 500 hours (more than 72 million work cycles). During the
test, pressure and injection frequency were changed. Changes in the operating parameters
were estimated based on obtained injection characteristics and effective flow area determined thereby. The observed changes in fuel delivery rate were compared with results of
the surface analysis of control valves and nozzle needles. Despite the stated lack of wear,
significant changes in the dynamics of injector operation were observed, particularly at short
injection times. Small pilot injections cannot be corrected by the fuel injection control system because they do not affect the changes in torque; however, they do affect the combustion
process. This creates conditions for increased emission of toxic exhaust components.
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