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Analysis of the end-of-life the front suspension beam of a vehicle
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Online publication date: 2022-06-09
Publication date: 2022-06-09
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 2022;24(3):446-454
  • The wear of the front suspension beam.
  • Fretting wear is observed in the top layer of the beam.
  • Wear products include oxygen, silicon and chlorine atoms.
  • Material hardness is observed to decrease, thus causing reduction of abrasion resistance.
The aim of the article is focused on assessing the degree of end-of-life for the vehicle front suspension beam. The first stage of the problem taken was represented by a road test of the vehicle at distance expressed by 100.000 km. Following the end of the operation tests, the suspension beam was dismantled and subjected to laboratory tests. The tests demonstrated numerous beam top layer plastic deformations, which came into being as a result of the vehicle driving onto an obstacle on the roadway or onto raised road infrastructure elements. At the point of connection of the stabiliser rod to the beam, surface degradation was noted, which consisted in the considerable change of the surface profile, hardness reduction and the grey and dark brown colour. Corrosion regions and fretting wear traces were noted. Corrosion pits, scratches and material build-ups was observed. The analysis of the chemical composition of wear products demonstrated the presence of elements such as iron, oxygen, chlorine and silicon, as an effect of operational conditions.
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