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An Evaluation on the Time-Dependent Reliability of Reinforced Concrete Structures Considering Non-Stationary Resistance Degradation: A Comprehensive Gamma Process-Based Approach
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School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xihua University, China
Sichuan Provincial Geological Environment Survey and Research Center, China
School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Chengdu Municipal Transportation Bureau, China
Submission date: 2024-10-28
Final revision date: 2024-11-21
Acceptance date: 2025-01-19
Online publication date: 2025-01-31
Publication date: 2025-01-31
Corresponding author
Conghe Jin   

School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xihua University, China
  • Bridge resistance deteriorates non-stationarily over time, affecting safety.
  • Load frequency and intensity growth impact time-dependent reliability.
  • Gamma process models non-stationary degradation, validated by FE experiment.
  • Two reliability equations developed based on Gamma process and load growth.
  • Load intensity and non-stationary degradation are primary contributors to safety decline.
Bridge resistance deteriorates over time, impacting safety and time-dependent reliability due to non-stationary degradation and increasing load frequency and intensity. This paper investigates the reliability of reinforced concrete structures, focusing on these factors. A Gamma process models the non-stationary degradation of bridge resistance, validated through a finite element experiment with a simply supported RC beam, where tensile steel reinforcements were reduced to simulate deterioration. Two time-dependent reliability equations were derived from the Gamma process and verified via Monte Carlo Simulation. Results show that the sensitivity of load intensity growth, frequency growth, non-stationarity degradation of resistance and environmental affection occupies 56.1%, 0.03%, 40.5% and 3.37%, respectively. Load intensity growth declines the safety of aging structures most, while the non-stationarity of resistance degradation should be given extra attention, as the analysis did not set expectations for its growth.
This Study Was Funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No. 51778532.
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