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An assessment of the reliability of CFRP composites used in nodes of friction after impact of UV-A impacts and thermal shocks
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Polish Naval Academy, Faculty of Navigation and Naval Weapons, Poland
33rd Airlift Base, Poland
Faculty of Aeronautics, Polish Air Force University, Poland
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Submission date: 2023-08-28
Acceptance date: 2023-10-16
Online publication date: 2023-10-29
Publication date: 2023-10-29
Corresponding author
Aneta Krzyzak   

Polish Naval Academy, Faculty of Navigation and Naval Weapons, Śmidowicza 69, 81-127, Gdynia, Poland
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 2023;25(4):174221
  • For composites exposed to friction indicated areas of safe exploitation.
  • Areas of the necessity of withdrawing composites from further exploitation are indicated.
  • It is possible to observe a noticeable environmental impact upon the process of friction.
  • Empirical functions of failure lead to the designation of critical values of probability.
This article describes the results of tribological research into epoxy-based composites reinforced with carbon fiber. The composites were subjected to accelerated tests simulating a semi-annual influence of environmental conditions of an elevated temperature, precipitation in combination with an influence of UV-A radiation of 0.83 W/m 2 as well as cyclic thermal shocks causing a leap temperature difference of 116.5°C. The process of friction was conducted in conditions of dry friction and wet friction in the presence of water. The authors found a positive influence of a two-month impact of environmental conditions upon increasing wear resistance. They found a reduction in weight in conditions of friction with water. At the same time, a reliability analysis for the same boundary conditions showed an increased risk of critical composite damage. The article indicates areas of safe exploitation of composites and areas of the necessity of withdrawing composites from further exploitation under the assumed environmental and tribological loads.
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